The Expat Psychologists
Therapy in English,
Polish, Croatian, French
German, Italian, Spanish, Lithuanian
and Moroccan
Skype Therapy
Ook voor Nederlandse Expats!

BEL: 00 31 (0)85 – 4014720

The Expat Psychologists – Polish

The Expat Psychologists is part of . We currently have 2 different Dutch psychologists that provide therapy in Polish. They can provide therapy over video chat or in person at their practice.

You can make an appointment or find out more about the psychologist through calling our service desk at 00 31 (0)85 – 4014720 or by sending us an e-mail by using the contact form.

Anna Diament, Psycholoog, Hoofddorp

Saturnusstraat 46-62
2134 HB Hoofddorp

Polish |

Eva Bastin, Psychologists, Amersfoort

Aziering 48
3823 WR Amersfoort

English | Polish |