What psychological problems can the Expat Psychologist help you with?
Problems that you can feel
Many symptoms (including physical symptoms) can stem from psychological causes. These can be feelings of fatigue, compulsive thoughts, stress at work or a relationship that seems to be on the rocks.
As a rule, we believe that it isn’t necessary for you to know exactly what your ‘problem’ is. Your feeling of discomfort is reason enough to approach a psychologist.
Feeling that you are trapped
The best way to describe it is that you feel trapped. Trapped in your job, trapped in your relationship or trapped within yourself. Your life has come to a standstill. It’s as though everything is locked into set patterns that you can’t seem to break loose from.
A feeling of fear
You are living in fear. Fear of failure, a fear that something (bad) might happen, fear of the reactions of others. In some cases, the fear is very pronounced and causes you to actually stop doing certain things in your life.
A feeling of pain
There are many causes of suffering. These causes can include the loss of a loved one, loss of a job, a divorce, feeling homesick and not being able to see your children as often as you used to. A severe disappointment can also feel like a significant loss. Such pain may end up dictating your life.
Or you simply don’t know…
You just don’t feel like yourself. Things seem to be okay, but something just doesn’t feel right. Little by little, everything seems to be getting worse. At the same time, you wonder whether you aren’t just being too self-indulgent.
And then there are all the things that simply can’t be put into words.
For further questions about psychological problems, or if you would like to know whether we can help you, feel free to call us or send us an email.